The Exceptional Minds Studio is a non-profit animation and visual effects vocational school and studio for young adults on the autism spectrum. Since opening in Sherman Oaks, CA four years ago, the studio has created visual effects and animations for over 50 titles. Credited for movies such as ‘Thor: Ragnarok,’ ‘Doctor Strange,’ and most recently, ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi,’ the artists at Exceptional Minds Studio describe this work as being something that they “never thought [they] would get a chance to work on.” Exceptional Minds offers a three-year program with a curriculum that focuses on technical training, job readiness, teamwork, and acquiring paid projects. Exceptional Minds’ vision is to help people on the spectrum achieve their full potential in the work force and become leaders in transforming public awareness of their capabilities. For more information about their recent work on the latest Star Wars movie, click here! To check out the Exceptional Minds Studio, click here!